Saturday, January 21, 2012

Quick doll

We have been home all week because of the snow!  Because of this, I thought of as many crafts as I could!  The boys had fun outside but Sophie was out of energy and really prefers summer (that's what she told me when I suggested she go outside)  We made clothes pin butterflies and super heroes, garlands and all sorts of fun stuff!  I thought it might be fun to make a new doll!  I'm not the best at sewing and I had to work with the scraps I had here so it needs work but she is in love with her doll and has not put it down!  I'll add a basic image of the pieces but it is not by any means true to size!  I just eyeballed it.  I'll admit, I didn't even finish the shirt.  Oops.  Obviously, cut the body section on a fold and you'll need 2 of each of the others.  Sew the legs and arms first and stuff them.  Put the body right sides together (I stitched the face on first) , sew all around except the bottom, inserting the arms when you get to that part (make sure the raw sides are sticking out so the arms are on the right side!) Turn it right side out, stuff it.  Fold under to make a sort of hem, pin the legs in and sew the bottom up.  Done!  Easy right?!  Like I said, I'm still learning so I'm sure there is a better, easier way to do this but it works for me!  Have fun!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sewing fun

Yes, it's true...I've moved on to patterns!  I recently bought 3 patterns from Violette Field Threads .  They are amazingly easy and absolutely gorgeous!  I've finished 2 of them...minus the button holes on the jacket.  Cute Cute Cute!  Seriously...give them a try!  I'd also like to add (to make me feel better about my shoe obsession) that her Livie and Luca Pio Pio's and her All Saints boots matches her new wardrobe essentials perfectly!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A quick and easy teacher/friend gift

I did these last year for the boy's teachers, principal, aides, specialists etc...seriously I made like 30.  I filled them with homemade caramel but you can fill with anything if you want it even easier!  Here's what I did-
Nathaniel wrote "You Rock" on a rock (duh) and then held it up for a photo.  I like using a short focal length so the rock is in focus but he isn't.  Then print them out on regular paper...the size depends on your bucket.  I made them 2x3ish inches.  Last, Mod Podge them on and let them dry!  Make sure you put the Mod Podge under and over for ultimate hold!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Finger knitting

Anybody remember finger knitting?  You know...weaving the yard around your fingers and pulling the bottom strand off?  I made a perfect Sophie sized neckwarmer tonight (meaning I got bored and didn't finish the scarf)  I bet if I got a 2x4 and nailed a bunch of nails, I could make a blanket using the same technique!  Sophie was going to attempt to knit something as well but being 4 that didn't go very well.  She just came downstairs with the thing of yard still wrapped up and proclaimed that she made a baby!  At least she has an imagination!  Come on...give it a try!  What can you finger knit tonight?  And in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I found a video on YouTube for you!  Now get knitting!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time for new furniture!

Guess what was dropped off at my house?  Pallets!  I've started sanding and staining the smaller one for the coffee table and up next-the couch!  I'm so excited to see the finished product...not only because I currently have no couch but because the possibilities of what fabric, paint etc I can use are so fun to think about!  I'm thinking a bright orange for the couch pallets and some fun fabric.  I'll post more photos as I progress!

P.S.-Don't you love my new sander and goggles?  Ok, technically they belong to the husband but I stole them.:)  It's a good look.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Simple Skirt

Ready for the easiest skirt ever?! The first of I'm sure many from my favorite blog...The Simple Skirt from the Made blog!

I'm sure you'll get addicted to this blog just as much as I have! When you've mastered this one, I suggest you move on the market skirt! The Simple Skirt is quite honestly the EASIEST thing I've ever made! Literally a rectangle. Here's Sophie's "I'll give you a brownie if you take pictures" photoshoot! I've made 6 of these skirts...5 in one day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The easiest headband ever!

Ok, I don't want to crush your motivation and throw something crazy on you in the first post...after all, you aren't going to turn into Martha in one day! This is seriously the easiest headband ever. No joke. I just mad it in about 10 minutes and Sophie loves it! I'd also like to add that I have now made a skirt and 4 headbands from the same t-shirt. This site has a bunch of tutorials...lots of re-purposing and I think this is a great starting point!